Atom file Demo

Atom files are files that contain all of the information required to schedule a measurement. The intent is for the customer to create all of the atom files for the planned satellite configuration and the measurements that are to be run during the IOT Campagne. It is common for a large satellite to have over 1000 pre canned tests in atom files. If you double-click an atom file it opens it's associated MUI with the contents of the atom file loaded into the MUI. You can also Right-Click an atom file and select "Schedule Now" which will the send the measurement to the scheduler to be scheduled. This operation is identical in CDE (shown here) and Gnome which we are now using. Atom files can be created a variety of ways, the easiest is setup the measurement in the MUI, and select save from the file menu, but that is a little cumbersome if you are dealing with over 1000 measurements that need to be performed. For volume, you want to start with a spreadsheet that has all of the measurments and control settings and process that to create your required atom files. This has proved VERY sucessful for many customers.

IOT Atom Files Description

Atom file Demo